Woman doing sports at home

How To Find The Ambition To Work Out With Bipolar Disorder

For the past couple of weeks, I have had a handful of individuals ask me how I find the ambition to exercise and work out. After all, it can feel overwhelming when you do not have the desire or feel you have the desire to do so.

I have struggled to maintain consistency in my workout routine since I graduated from high school back in 1998.

Not only do I live with bipolar disorder, but I deal with a handful of other physical ailments. Besides medication, exercise is the top way to manage my overall health.

Exercise is a tool I use to empower myself. It is a preventative measure that can give you some degree of control over an illness that can seem to control you.

There are some techniques and ideas I would like to share with you.

I hope that you will find something useful to help you on your own journey.

Remember, always talk to your doctor before starting or changing your workout program.

#1 Way How To Find Your Ambition

Find Your “Why”

First and foremost, you need to exercise for yourself. That needs to be your primary “why.” You need to have the want and desire to be healthy.

If I do not have my health, I cannot function. That goes for both my mental and physical health. The great thing about exercising is you can improve both your mind and body at the same time.

After you understand the importance of working out, you can add other reasons to your list. This is the first step in finding your ambition to exercise.

Are you married?

My wife is my rock and best friend. I need to function to the best of my ability to support her.

I am a parent, and I want to be around for my kids as long as possible. If I am sick in my mind or body, I cannot be there for them.

The more reasons you have to work out, the better your odds of success.

#2 Way How To Find Your Ambition

Do Something You Enjoy

You will be more likely to stick with a workout program if you enjoy it.

This is another way to better your odds of success.

For me, I love to lift weights. It is something I love to do and look forward to it daily.

Not everyone likes resistance training. Some enjoy walking, running, biking, hiking, swimming, workout classes at a gym, yoga, working out at home, and more.

There are countless possibilities. For you, it may be a great time to try a new workout methodology.

Is there a type of workout that you are interested in that you have never tried and would like to do?

#3 Way How To Find Your Ambition

Ease Into A Workout Program

Start small and work your way up from there. This is another way to find your ambition.

I used to have an all-or-nothing mentality when it came to working out. If I did not have an hour to work out, I just would skip it.

Remember, something is better than nothing.

Now, if I can only do something for 15 minutes or even just 10 minutes, I do it. Doing something every day is key, and that consistency is what will pay off in the long run.

#4 Way How To Find Your Ambition

Find Something That Works With Your Lifestyle And Schedule

There is no one-size-fits-all workout program.

You need to take an inventory of your current lifestyle and schedule. From there, you can move forward.

I rarely have long periods to focus my attention. If you are a parent, I am sure you understand.

Sometimes, I can find a large chunk of time to do my whole workout, but that is generally not the case. Getting rid of my all-or-nothing attitude helped me to fit my exercise program into my lifestyle.

I created my workout program so I can break up my workout into sections throughout the day. I can work out 3 times a day for 10-20 minutes at a time. Or, I can switch up in whatever capacity I need.

For me, flexibility is the key.

Find something that works for you and your lifestyle and schedule.

#5 Way How To Find Your Ambition

Find The Time

In the course of a day, you can find the time. Do not let the excuse of “I don’t have the time” even be an option.

Bipolar disorder does not only affect your mood but your motivation and energy level as well.

Personally, I cannot schedule a specific time to work out in a day. I listen to both my mind and body. Sometimes, I am motivated when I first get up, other times in the afternoon, and sometimes in the evening.

Many times, I wake up and work out for 15 minutes. Later in the day, I will go back and finish another 15 minutes. If you have kids, you know how time can be a commodity.

I have a set of dumbbells at home. If we are watching T.V., I can do a few sets during the commercials.

You need to make exercise a priority and find the time.

#6 Way How To Find Your Ambition

Goal Setting

It can feel that bipolar disorder has control over your entire life. I know, I have been there many times.

One way to combat this feeling is to set goals and empower yourself to the best of your ability.

My primary goal is to maintain and improve my overall health. That means I have to keep my mind and body as healthy as possible. Goal setting helps me with this and helps me to find ambition.

It is difficult to have long-term goals because of the variability and fluctuation in my mood, motivation, and energy. The best way I can combat this is to focus on short-term goals. When I say short-term goals, I look in terms of a few days up to a week.

I have a general idea of where I would like to be long-term. I just cannot set up a long-term goal because it creates too much anxiety and is actually counterproductive for me.

Try focusing on short-term goals if you are having a problem finding the ambition to exercise.

#7 Way How To Find Your Ambition

Don’t Stress

Stress is one of the biggest triggers of a bipolar episode. The best way to counteract stress is to reduce it and find better and healthy ways to cope.

Exercise is one of the top healthy ways to cope.

When it comes to a workout program, do not put unnecessary stress on yourself. I used to create so much anxiety and guilt in my journey if I could not work out. If I missed a day, I was so hard on myself for missing it that sometimes I just stopped altogether.

Do not do this to yourself.

You do not want to adopt a lazy mentality and find any excuse to not work out. Instead, listen to your body. Each day is a new start. If you cannot work out one day, get back up on the horse tomorrow.

Do not let one setback derail your entire exercise program and overall success.

Remember, you work out to destress, not to stress.

#8 Way How To Find Your Ambition

Make Healthy Eating Choices

You should adopt healthy eating habits when you create your overall workout program.

For me, it was a natural progression to eat healthy when I started working out. I know that is not always the case.

If you find it hard to eat healthily, create a short-term goal for a day. Focus on eating 3 healthy meals for that day.

Dealing with bipolar disorder, I always take it a day at a time.

There are so many healthy recipe books out there. You can also find recipes online with a simple good search or using Pinterest.

Again, set yourself up for success.

Making healthy eating choices is another great way to support your success.

Last Thoughts

Bipolar disorder is a chronic illness that can be extremely debilitating. It affects not only your mood but motivation and energy as well.

Finding the ambition to work out can be difficult when you live with bipolar disorder. It is hard when you do not know what your mood, motivation, or energy will be from day to day.

I hope the ideas and thoughts I have presented here will help you find the ambition you need.

Remember, it is about setting yourself up for success. Do as many things as you can to help you find the ambition to work out.

You will get to a spot where exercising will be as easy to do as brushing your teeth each day. It will feel weird if you do not work out.

Exercise is a healthy way to cope and to help manage bipolar disorder.

Finding the ambition to work out can be difficult, but it can be done.

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